Tina Martini
Tina Martini
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I’m Tina Martini. I’m a Tgirl based in Sydney and I do a live David Bowie tribute act called ‘Androgyne Genie’.


I’ve always had a feminine side. I’ve also always been a musician. Quite late in life, I’ve brought these two very creative parts together. Now I’ve taken David Bowie’s androgynous leanings a lot further and put together a live act. I’ve been performing this for two years at the time of writing.

This site used to be very much more oriented towards fashion and photos. Now I’m hoping to use it a lot more for promoting my act. Right now I have around 70 Bowie songs fully learned on guitar and vocals. I’ve performed about 20 gigs, mostly in Sydney, but early on I performed in Melbourne and recently in Newcastle, NSW.

I also performed at ‘Let’s Dance Carinda’ Bowie festival in 2023, which was my biggest success so far.

I hope to update my blog each time I perform, or at least fairly regularly. You will probably see the style of this website change as it gets more and more ‘Bowiefied’!


“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.”

- Coco Chanel




Hair Color
Blonde (Usually)

Eye Color

For all bookings contact tina at: