Another Tina Martini Live Performance


I thought I would use my blog to set out how much it takes for me to put on one of my gigs. It’s not a whinge - I wouldn’t go to all this trouble if I didn’t enjoy it. This is a heavy workload for a normal musician - as well as learning all the material, you need to perfect the sound at home, exercise your voice, and compile all the sets and arrangements. Then there is loading all your equipment and driving to and from the gig, with the load ins and load outs and sound checks, not to mention the gig itself, with over 2 hours of material. But for me there is also 4 hours of preparation with male to female transformation and makeup before I can leave home, as well as three outfits, one for each set! But the part I hate most is cajoling people into attending! If you think that about 1 in 10 potential attendees actually buy a ticket or turn up on the night, this is huge, and the feeling of coercion makes it an unenviable task and the most detestable part of the job (even worse than getting gigs in the first place, which is in itself a bit soul destroying). Is it worth it? YES!! I just love the feeling of playing live, and of course, the positive reactions I have had make it all worthwhile. I also just love learning Bowie’s songs. They are complex and challenging! But if you are umming and ahing about coming along to a gig, it’s worth remembering the effort it takes to put it all together, compared with a few bucks just to turn up and have a lovely evening’s entertainment laid on for you… I can’t wait for the time when my tickets just sell themselves without me trying (or the venues can do it for me). I know I’m worth it, and it will definitely happen!

Non-whinge over.

Anyway, so, 17th March passed with another live performance, this time at the Lazybones Lounge, with a largely different audience to the previous gigs. Each time I play, it seems I learn something that helps me to improve. I was very gratified to receive this review from someone I had never met before this gig. These are the kinds of things that make the effort so worthwhile:

"I'm so glad Tina's show went well. I sensed that she has insecurities & doesn't have the confidence to know that she's terrific!

I was completely impressed with every aspect of her performance.

Firstly, the set up of the show. I thought the 3 acts (each showing the distinct stages of Bowie's music & appearance) was great - showing historical context to the man & his career. The song choices were all fabulous & well placed. Each song was a virtual show stopper. All due to Tina's wonderful guitar accompaniment & vocals.

The scope of the show was monumental - for a solo performer. Tina was an elite athlete - performing a marathon of Bowie - without the use of performance enhancing drugs! (except for a few sips of whiskey between songs!!)”

So, next will be a return to the Butcher’s Brew in Marrickville on MAUNDY THURSDAY 14TH APRIL (CHANGED FROM LAST VERSION OF THIS BLOG). A lovely little cosy venue and run by an absolute diamond of a proprietor, someone who really cares about her live performers. If I nag you to attend, why not take the easy way out and just buy a ticket? You won’t regret it!

Timothy Jones