Tina's First Live Performance


Well, the performance at TransActShon happened, and it went amazingly well. It was a great night, and lots of fun. I managed to cajole my voice to pretty much its best level through a lot of exercise and practice during the 11 hour drive to Melbourne, plus regular sips of cough syrup, and it hit the heights for my version of Bowie’s version of ‘Wild is the Wind’ (I could never emulate David, but I did just about the best Tina attempt I could ever achieve). Only problem was, there is no video. My intention was to video both my performances (my general set and my Bowie tribute set) in full, so that I could then take them away and edit each individual song so that I could post each one on my YouTube channel. However, having charged up my camera, brought my tripod and remote and a new big memory card, there was a cock-up. I won’t say more, except that I blame myself because I had a plan and should have stuck to it. Lesson learned. However a few people grabbed snippets on their mobile phones, and I have put them on my YouTube channel, and you can view them and all my other videos here. I only have four short excerpts from my Bowie set, I’m afraid, and they are a poor substitute, but you might just get a bit of a flavour. Next time I’ll video myself properly (but before I do a full public performance I need to expand my repertoire). What I do know is that I have no difficulty performing in body shaping garments and a pair of breastforms! Keep tuned in for updates on live Tina Martini performances…

The rest of the evening (and the previous night) was the greatest fun and I thank Anne, Emma and Fay for the event organisation and having faith in me performing live for the first ever time as Tina.

Timothy Jones