The Beginning

This is my first blog. A lot more will follow, as there is more than three years to catch up on from when Tina was first ‘born’. What I will tell you in this first part of my story is that I always loved girls’ clothes - on girls, and on myself. This started at about the age of 12 but, with some traumas and diversions along the way, I kept it hidden for well over forty years. In 2012 I tried ‘Transformation’, a dressing service in the UK whilst on a visit to London, but it did more to turn me off than turn me on. The urge was still there, however, and some four years on I tried a dressing service in Melbourne and, seeing myself made up and with the wig on in the mirror, I suddenly saw Tina for the first time. I vowed to come out to my wife, and luckily she has been supportive, and that is what has led to my adventure since. Despite all those many years of concealment, I already had a rich and interesting life, so I have no complaints, but with the birth of Tina I feel that I am living it to the full and that slight yearning exists no longer - just fun, excitement and some wonderful new friendships. Knowing the struggles some of my friends have gone through, I truly feel I am one of the lucky ones. More of my story will follow!

Timothy Jones