The Trouble with Tina - 1

I’ve been prevaricating. See, I wrote this song called ‘The Trouble with Tina’ about two years ago, then recorded it professionally and late last year recorded a video . It’s about all the doubts, fears, angst and also the euphoria of being a tgirl, encapsulated in a simple pop song. Some of my friends have heard it and even seen the video. I have a YouTube channel and it’s on there, waiting to be published. What am I scared of? Well, if by some miracle, it should take off, life could change, and it might not be for the better. I have it pretty good. But I also can’t sit here and never let it see the light of day. I have a whole plan of attack for ‘marketing’ it, but have spent so long tweaking it here and there and being indecisive, so unless I take the plunge, I’ll go to my grave never knowing what might have been. So here we go. First part of the plan, some pics from the filming of the video as a tempter…..


The guys in the pictures are Luke, the actor who played the male me, and John Boyizatis, aka April Fools, a wonderful drag artist from Sydney, who did my makeup and helped with a little choreography.

Timothy Jones