Practice Makes Perfect?


I’ve been thinking I needed to blog again, as it’s been a while, but it’s come to me now that it’s obvious what I should post.

I’ve been rehearsing most nights for a few weeks, but my live performance at TransActShon is creeping up on me quickly and seems so imminent that I am starting to get a little nervous now. It’s only three weeks from now, and from what I hear, the expected attendance for the event is swelling. So much planning has been going into it: as well as learning the songs (and I still get little errors creeping in, aaargh - why do I forget things I’ve been at such pains to drum into my blonde brain?) and training up my voice (because I am not really naturally good singer, and I need to sing every day to get the intonation and tunefulness going, as well as the co-ordination with my guitar playing), I am also taking heels dancing lessons and had a one on one lesson with my new teacher last Wednesday. I have decided on my stage outfits, and they will hopefully be eye catching enough to detract from any little trip ups I make during my act!

I will be performing two short sets as well as lip syncing to my video ‘The Trouble with Tina. Within this, I will only perform one other original song: although I have hundreds from my male songwriting, this seems like the only appropriate one for Tina to sing (it’s called ‘Champagne’). As well as that song, in the first set I will be performing a mixture of older covers and a couple of more recent girl pop songs. The aim was to choose numbers that have enough of a nuance to apply well to the gender fluid situation, sometimes in an amusing or titillating way, and which I could carry off with just me and my guitar. The second set is a tribute to a huge star, one of the biggest ever… but that’s all you will get for now regarding the content, as it has to remain a surprise. I am hoping someone will video my two sets for me and that they come out well, so that I can also post them here and on my YouTube channel. Oh, and while I’m on the subject, please, please subscribe – it only takes a second, and honestly, it’s proper, and I will certainly update it with added material to come. If I could get just 10% of my Facebook friends to subscribe, I would be up to 500, which would make me feel like it is somehow worth all the effort. And of course, while I think of it, please recommend my website and YouTube channel to anyone you can think of – for instance, please do share this post via FB etc….

So I’ll be driving all the way down to Melbourne. I was going to fly, but this is (a) cheaper, (b) a more reliable and flexible way to transport all my gear and my guitar, and (c) a journey I’ve always wanted to do, and what better car to do it in than my new Mini? A ten hour drive, though – but the saving grace is that I can play the songs over and over again on Spotify and I will have plenty of time to hone my voice and iron over any kinks in my set. At least that’s the theory!


Wish me luck! I’ll certainly let everyone know how it pans out.

Oh and here are a couple of shots of outfits from recent nights out in and around Sydney...

Tina x

Timothy Jones