Disappearing During Covid?

Of course not! Mind you, I have many plans for things which can’t be realised at the moment: professional shoots and my live performances especially. The positive thing is that I have retired from work after 44 years (yipes!), so as soon as we get a proper break from this pandemic, I will be doing shoots and hopefully playing gigs. I am hoping to play at ‘Let’s Dance’, the Bowie festival in Carinda, NSW in October. For the uninitiated, it’s where he filmed the video for ‘Let’s Dance’ all those years ago. The spare time has enabled me to develop about an hour and a half of his material, and it looks like there will be plenty of time to expand even that (not sure if I’ll get to the level of doing requests - not all of his songs lend themselves to acoustic guitar performance). There are snippets of me doing Bowie on my YouTube channel. Look out for me in Sydney venues when things loosen up, too.

Of course there has been plenty of time practice makeup and to dress up at home. Too much! So here are a few of my favourite shots from all these months.

Chin up. All things must pass.

Tina XXX

Timothy Jones